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Dragon Age Inquisition (6-18-2024)  

The Best Weapon Help Page: Link 1

  Class   Damage        
Weapon Type Companion Must Be DPS Cost Location Color Seller Name
Axe of the Dragon Hunter 2 Hand Warrior 16 Level 284 11,540 Merchant at Skyhold Purple Bonny Sims
Grunsman Bow 2 Hand Rogue 16 Level 130 4,082 Merchant at Skyhold Purple Bonny Sims

The Best Armor Help Page: Link 1

  Class   Armor          
Armor Type Companion Must Be Rating Cost Location Color Seller Name  
Masterwork Scout Armor   Rogue Level 8 132 1,161 Merchant at Hinterlands Purple Red Cliff Village Purchased Home


All Great Master Work Schematics is inside Tier 3 Chest:

To find Tier 3 chests in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you can:
Get the Deft Hands Perk from the war table room in Skyhold.
Fast travel to Drakon's Rise Camp in Emprise Du Lion.
In the room, there are 2 chests capable of spawning Tier 3 Schematics.
Save your game and rinse and repeat to find schematics.



Best Mage GEAR!