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**** Now, when the body say's you are still Hungry... That is your Mind saying I need a missing Vitamin...


Vitamin's Every One Needs and Eating Food Will Not Give You Everything That Your Body Needs!!

Nutrient Cutoff point % (SE) Cutoff point % (SE) For Research Data an Control…. Most Needed
Dietary fiber * 30 g 92 (3) 21 g 90 (4)    
Omega-3 Fatty Acids * 1.6 g 43 (9) 1.1 g 21 (8)    
Folate (DFE) 320 μg 4 (2) 320 μg 26 (5)    
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg 7 (3) 1.3 mg 38 (6)    
Vitamin B12 2.0 μg 0 2.0 μg 9 (4)    
Vitamin C 75 mg 53 (9) 60 mg 43 (7)    
Vitamin D 10 μg 95 (4) 10 μg 97 (2)    
Vitamin E 12 μg 74 (6) 12 μg 97 (1)    
Vitamin K * 120 μg 71 (6) 90 μg 53 (7)    
Calcium 1000 mg 65 (6) 1000 78 (5)    
Magnesium 350 mg 65 (7) 265 mg 64 (5)    
Potassium * 4700 mg 99 (1) 4700 mg 100    
Selenium 200 mcg 65 (7) 200 mg 64 (5)    
Zinc 9.4 mg 16 (5) 6.8 mg 30 (7)    
Nutrient Cutoff point % (SE) Cutoff point % (SE) 1-19-2025   DATE I Took these Vitamins… Most Needed
Beet Root 1000 mg  65 (7) 265 mg 64 (5)    
Ginkgo Biloba 60 mg 16 (5) 60 mg 30 (7) Tinnitus  
Magnesium 500mcg  65 (7) 265 mg 64 (5) I had a Hunger for Chocolate… Magnesium Deficient...  
Potassium * 99 mg 99 (1) 99 mg 100 Leg Cramps  
Quercetin 500mg  65 (7) 500mg  64 (5)    
Selenium 200 mcg 65 (7) 200 mg 64 (5) Helps with Inflammation in Sinus…  
Tart Cherry 60 mg 16 (5) 60 mg 30 (7) Helps with Inflammation…  
Vitamin D3 250 mcg 95 (4) 10,000 IU 97 (2) Helps When No Sun is Available  
Zinc 50 mg 16 (5) 50 mg 30 (7)    

Hidden Hunger: Solutions for America’s Aging Populations Link


Table 1.

Proportion of adults ≥71 years old with low nutrient intakes (NHANES 2011–2012) [].

Adults ≥71 Years Old Who do not Meet the Daily Recommended Intake (% < EAR or AI *)
  Men (n = 327) Women (n = 322)
Nutrient Cutoff point % (SE) Cutoff point % (SE)
Dietary fiber * 30 g 92 (3) 21 g 90 (4)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids * 1.6 g 43 (9) 1.1 g 21 (8)
Folate (DFE) 320 μg 4 (2) 320 μg 26 (5)
Vitamin B6 1.4 mg 7 (3) 1.3 mg 38 (6)
Vitamin B12 2.0 μg 0 2.0 μg 9 (4)
Vitamin C 75 mg 53 (9) 60 mg 43 (7)
Vitamin D 10 μg 95 (4) 10 μg 97 (2)
Vitamin E 12 μg 74 (6) 12 μg 97 (1)
Vitamin K * 120 μg 71 (6) 90 μg 53 (7)
Calcium 1000 mg 65 (6) 1000 78 (5)
Magnesium 350 mg 65 (7) 265 mg 64 (5)
Potassium * 4700 mg 99 (1) 4700 mg 100
Zinc 9.4 mg 16 (5) 6.8 mg 30 (7)

2.1.1. Protein

As muscle mass naturally decreases with age and contributes to the higher risk for falls in older people, maintaining lean mass (LM) is imperative. 


2.1.2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Omega-3)

Adequate omega-3 intake is associated with decreased risk of heart disease, cognitive decline, and asthma.


2.1.3. Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber plays an important role in gastrointestinal function. An unhealthy gut microbiota has been associated with infectious and degenerative diseases [], specifically inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune arthritis, obesity, and metabolic syndrome [].


2.1.4. B Vitamins: Folate, B12, and B6

B vitamins are essential for many biological processes including neurological and immune function and optimal bone health. 


2.1.5. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for the efficient absorption of calcium to support mineralization of bone and in prevention of muscle weakness.


2.1.6. Dietary Patterns

Overall, a balanced diet of whole foods that limits intake of refined grains, processed meat, sugar, solid fats, and sodium is ideal in reducing the risk of chronic diseases [].

Table 2.

Evidence for optimal nutrition in disease and infection prevention in older adults.

Nutrient Function Recommended Sources Associated Risks/Benefits
Protein Muscle mass Low-fat dairy, fish
legumes, nuts, lean meat/poultry
Deficiency associated with loss of muscle mass, decreased immunity, and weakening of the heart and respiratory system []
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA/ALA) Chronic disease and cognitive decline prevention Walnuts, fatty fish, flaxseeds Associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality [], inflammation ,and prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (observational longitudinal data) []
Dietary fiber Intestinal and metabolic health Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables Lowers cholesterol and improves glycemia, weight loss, and stool normalization []
Alters microbiota composition, lowering chronic inflammation, and improving gut barrier function []
Folate Cell division Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables Associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer []
Vitamin B6 Metabolism Fish, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables Deficiency associated with microcytic anemia, dermatitis with cheilosis and glossitis, depression, confusion, and weakened immune function []
Vitamin B12 Nerve and blood health Low-fat dairy, shellfish and fish, fortified cereals, lean meat/poultry Deficiency associated with poor cognition, anemia, and hyperhomocysteinemia []
Deficiency leads to peripheral neuropathy, balance disturbances, cognitive disturbances, and disability []
Vitamin C Biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters; protein metabolism Fruits and vegetables Reduces risk of cataract []
Deficiency impairs collagen synthesis and wound healing []
Vitamin D Bone, neurological health Low-fat dairy (fortified) Vitamin D with calcium reduces risk of total factures (15%) and hip fracture (30%) []
Deficiency associated with osteoporosis, neurologic conditions, diabetes, and other metabolic conditions
Vitamin E Immune function maintenance Nuts, wheat Deficiency associated with reduced risk of age-related cataract []
Reduces risk of acquiring respiratory infections []
Prevents or delays coronary heart disease
Vitamin K Blood clotting, bone health Green leafy vegetables, soybeans, nuts Deficiency associated with reduced bone mineralization potentially contributing for osteoporosis [], and development of cardiovascular disease []
Calcium Skeletal health, blood pressure control Low-fat dairy Impact of dietary protein on the skeleton is most favorable in those who meet dietary calcium requirements []
Increases overall bone mineral density and femoral neck bone mineral density []
Iron Oxygen transport Whole grains, pulses, nuts, lean meat, seafood, vegetables Most common cause of anemia; associated with cancer, heart failure, gastrointestinal, and liver disorders []
Magnesium Bone health, blood pressure, regulates calcium and potassium Low-fat dairy, legumes, fruits, and vegetables Deficiency associated with increased risk of prediabetes and diabetes []
With age, gut absorption decreases and renal excretion increases
Potassium Cellular function Low-fat dairy, fruits, and vegetables Insufficient intake contributes to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney stones, and osteoporosis []
Zinc Cellular metabolism Whole grains, beans/pulses, lean meat/poultry, nuts Decreases incidence and duration of pneumonia based on the number of new antibiotic prescriptions and days of antibiotic use []
Decreases incidence of infections []
Accelerates wound healing []
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EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid; DHA: docosahexaenoic acid; ALA: alpha-linolenic acid.


Table 3.

U.S. food-related programs and associations for older adults.

Program Purpose Outcomes
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Provides eligible, low-income individuals/families a monthly supplement for purchasing nutritious food (through a debit card to use for groceries). 5.1 million people ≥60 years old (11.8% of recipients) []
Less likely than similar non-participants to forego their full prescribed dosage of medicine because of cost []
Enables low-income seniors to live independently in their communities and avoid hospitalization []
Older Americans Act Nutrition Program (OAANP) Federal program that provides grants to states to help support nutrition services for older people throughout the country 142.5 million home delivered meals []
79.45 million congregate meals []
2.43 million people served []
1.47 million received health promotion services []
35,578 people received nutrition counseling []
Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) Federal grant program to states used to give low-income seniors coupons that can be used to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, and honey from farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and community supported agriculture programs Provided over USD $20.58 million in assistance to elderly Americans (2014) []
816,000 older Americans in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 8 Indian Tribal Organizations received annual SFMNP voucher worth an average of USD $32 []
Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Federal program administered by state agencies to improve the health of low-income elderly persons ≥60 years by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods Approximately, 630,000 participated each month from 48 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 2 Indian Tribal Organizations []
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost Total food entitlement fund USD $29,175,695 (2017) []
Meals on Wheels America Leadership nonprofit supporting the more than 5000 community-based programs across America that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger Meals on Wheels America member programs across the country provide a cost-effective solution that addresses the biggest threats to health and well-being of older adults. Malnutrition, social isolation and in-home safety hazards not only jeopardize seniors, but place a significant financial strain on our country’s healthcare system
AARP Foundation Large nonprofit with “Drive to End Hunger” campaign that raises awareness about food insecurity among older adults, meeting the immediate daily food needs of hungry seniors, and working to establish permanent solutions to end senior hunger Donated over 37 million meals to help hungry seniors across the country, since 2011 []
The AARP Foundation’s Fre$h Savings and Grocery Guides programs provided over 12,000 seniors with added SNAP benefits or nutritional education in 2016 []
Developed the “Screen and Intervene” online course to inform health care providers and community-based partners how to screen older patients for food insecurity and connect them to crucial resources []